Out of timeless world

 Shadows fall upon Time,

 From the beauty older than earth,

 A ladder the soul may climb.

 I climb by the phantom stair

 To a whiteness older than TIME

      Poet A.E.

MONIQUE STAUDER is a visual artist with a photojournalistic resume that spans the globe. Her work has appeared in TIME, Newsweek, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times and Mother Jones among others.

She left rural Indiana in the early 90's to uncover the beauty and perils of humanity around the world as an investigative reporter and freelance photojournalist. Her solo epic journey around the equator from 2000 to 2003 culminated in an award-winning book, LATITUDE ZERO, with forewards by acclaimed American novelist, Paul Theroux, in 2010.

Motherhood came the same year, a perfect incubation to unwind from her diverse global experiences & swan dive into her amassed images and curios. She slowed down. Her photography shifted. She listened to the dynamic cultural palettes brewing inside and without hesitation her visual art repertoire expanded to include metal sculptures and 3D mixed media creations. They hum a tune of renewal reverberating a seamless connection between the past, present and future in the timeless NOW.

Currently she resides in rural Missouri with a resolute dedication to live authentically and create WHOLEheartedly. She states, "This can only be achieved with an inner-outer harmony with an innate knowledge that my insatiable need to create comes from an infinite divine source. I am just a ray of light unafraid to explore, experiment and express this realm where things are thoughts and the transformation process back into things is my mental playground and daily desire to be present and acknowledge that every step is on sacred ground."

While being a passionate autodidactic visual artist, she holds a double Masters Degree in International Relations and History from the
Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva, Switzerland (associated with Fletcher School at TUFTS University, Boston) and was a 1990 graduate in History from the University of Colorado. 

Most recent interview in June 2023: 


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